Every day is Mother’s Day
With dedication to all mothers and those who cherish, love, and care about them.
Motherhood is one of the most beautiful, joyous, powerful, and yet the most challenging experience on the planet. Once you are a mother, you will always be a mother and at times it is quite overwhelming. It does not make any difference how old your children are and what kind of relationship you have with them. They are always in your thoughts.
There is no such thing as a break from motherhood and it is equally taxing on your spirit, soul, and body. Your children will be a source of your greatest delight, but they often are also a source of sorrows. It is always nice to be appreciated on Mother’s Day. We all enjoy extra attention, cards, dinners, and flowers; but there is nothing more meaningful than to have the support, appreciation, and love of our loved ones on a daily basis.
This is what all mothers need and want the most. If you are a mother yourself, then be an encouragement and a helping hand to other mothers. No mother is perfect, we all have our struggles, and we all strive to become better at our mothering. You can be a friend that another mother needs. Listen if she needs someone to listen to and offer advice only when she asks you for it. The least any mother wants is criticisms from other mothers veiled as “friendly” advice.
If you are a child, then make sure your mother knows you love her. You can show it by being respectful of her each and every day. She will not be always right or fair, but she always has your best welfare at her heart, so disagree respectfully. Show your love by little acts of kindness such as doing what she asks and helping when she needs help without asking. Forgive her for her imperfections, always remembering your own weaknesses.
If you are a father of her children, then take an active role in parenting your children and compliment her mothering efforts. Even if you cannot be there at home for her everyday make sure that she knows you support her and allow her to have breaks by taking care of your children when you are at home and doing your part in household chores. Do not leave her alone in her duties.
If you are her other relative, friend, or neighbour do not judge her for failings. Society at large should be more supporting to all mothers, those who are young as well as those who are older, the ones who choose to stay at home and the ones who work outside the household. Too often writers, media, and pop culture run mothers down. Everyone seems to be an expert on mothering, putting down stay at home moms in favour of the ones who have careers or vice versa. The truth is that there neither is a one perfect way of mothering, nor any one absolutely perfect mother. All mothers need respect and everyday is a Mother’s Day.
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